A Study on Love
Too Long Didn’t Read
We must show love to others even though we may disagree with their choices. We ourselves are not perfect and never lived a perfect life yet God’s grace and mercy kept us until we found him. God’s love is explained perfect with Romans 5:6-8
Table of Contents
The Christian Superiority Complex
Results of being in the world but not of it
How should Christians interact with people who do not hold the same beliefs or even live contrary to the Bible?
Showing love to people with whom you disagree
Final Thoughts
Resources and References
The Christian Superiority Complex
Some of you probably feel that the Christians are disingenuous, judgmental, and at times hypocritical and that's an understandable and fair assessment. From experience I have seen and felt this air of superiority especially since Christians often feel they own the moral high ground. To extremes we go when interpreting texts that call for us to “be not of the world”(John 15:19) or to "love not the things of the world” (1 John 2:15-17). Growing up I’ve often heard the analogy of the Christian journey being like a pilgrimage passing through this life to get to the real home, heaven (Philippians 3:20).
So what has been our results of being in the world but not of it?
Christians are disconnected from the world and focused on their own salvation. Because of this disconnect, it becomes so much easier to forego empathy, look down on others, judge and condemn them. It makes it easier for us to look like christians but lack the internal change and power that comes along with being a follower of Christ.
Without a true relationship with Christ, christianity is just another exclusive club. We glorify the concept of being set apart but it renders us incapable of interacting with people who do not share the same outward appearance or opinion. Instead of bringing people to Jesus we push them away. Instead of being peculiar and intriguing we’re ignorant, weird, standoffish and confrontational. But it’s not supposed to be this way! We’re supposed to be the light of the world and the salt of the earth! We are supposed to naturally draw people to us by the way we think and act. (Matthew 5:13-16) (John 12:32)
So how do we as Christians interact with people who do not hold the same beliefs or even live contrary to the Bible?
Fortunately the Bible gives us plenty of examples of what it looks like to engage with unbelievers and believers alike (aka people). One interesting example is in Psalms 1 where it says,
There are a several truths that can be gleaned from this passage but there are two in particular that stands out: It talks about what the blessed man does and doesn’t do.
The bible describes a man that does not participate in the actions of the ungodly or fall into their temptations. He separates himself by not engaging ungodly activities.
The man is passionate about following God’s instructions.
On the surface, verse one may not seem like much. Even non-christians would agree in principle. You wouldn’t want your kid to hang out with the wrong crowd. You wouldn’t associate yourself with murderers or bigots and you would be hard pressed to take their advice. But verse two brings context to verse one that totally transform the context.
“...but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night"
The phrase meditates day and night in the passage means to habitually study ponder or study. But its more than just intense studying. It's also action.
Study the law for the blessed man is more than just reading and looking at God’s laws, it’s practicing and living it. But what is he practicing?
Showing Love to people with whom you disagree
When we dive deeper into the second verse find out what is the law of God. When the Bible talks about the law of God it is referring to God’s commandments.
Not convinced? Further on in the same chapter it says
That sounds very familiar to the blessed man who delights in the law of God and meditates on it. But what was the commandments that the man was studying? Well, Jesus described the greatest commandments in the law,
Jesus said that loving God and others are the sum total of all the commandments.
At the core the blessed man was studying and practicing love. All of God’s commandments are centered around which makes sense because Love is the essence of who God is.
Final Thoughts
Understanding that the blessed man was practicing love it is safe to assume that he did not treat the ungodly with disdain, malice or contempt. He simply did not participate in their actions. You can disagree with a person’s actions, lifestyle, behavior, or choice and still show love towards them.
Think about your childhood. Were you disciplined for something you did wrong? Did you still love your parents afterwards (Perhaps not in the moment lol )? As a parent, when your child does something you disapprove don’t you still love them? Even among friends you may disagree but at the end of the day you still love and fight for them.
Remember Christ for the ungodly and that include christians and non-christians alike for none of us were born perfect. So as christians even though we may disagree with how people may live their lives, we must remember we were not always living the way God wanted us to live yet He loved us anyway and gave us the space and freedom to come to Him. So how can we offer anything less to others? We must afford the same respect and consideration to those outside of the church as well as to those within.
If you forget everything, remember this one verse
References & Resources
Earth is not our home
John 15:19
1 John 2:15-17
Philippians 3:20
Fake Christianity
2 Timothy 3:5
Real Christianity
Matthew 5:13-16
John 12:32
God loves us even though we don't
1 John 4:7-8
Romans 5:6-8
How to treat the ungodly (spoiler - love them)
Psalm 1:1-2
2 Timothy 3:16
Psalm 119:33-35, 47-48
Matthew 22: 37-40
Romans 13: 8-10